A random conglomeration of thoughts by yours truly.
perrinwlf's Articles In Blogging » Page 3
January 9, 2006 by ISOL
Ok, it boils down to this. Nice guys generally don't have killer looks, or aren't in killer shape because they can actually think about something besides improving their image. Pardon my langauge, but fuck finishing last! Isn't it enough that we think about more than two things, those things being ourselves, and wether we're going to "get any" tonight. Chivalry is a lost code, and those who adhere to it are being pushed aside for the "black knights". WTF happened to the knight in shining armo...
January 7, 2006 by ISOL
Ever gone on a road trip when you relize that you left something important behind. You're too far away to turn around and get it, but you start to miss it when you realize how important it was. I think that when something important is forgotten, it makes our next trip just a little better, because I didn't forget the item this time. I guess it's really easy to miss something that was taken for granted. It's always there, but we never think we'll miss it till we know its too far to turn around...
January 3, 2006 by ISOL
I was hurt the other day, not cut or bruised, but emotionally hurt. I thought, well big deal, but now its started to affect my physical form. I don't sleep, I barely eat and I feel sick to my stomach all day. I thought I was a stronger person than this. It doesn't matter how fast I run, how hard I work, I just can't escape this sick feeling. I'm ready for it to go, but I know I'll feel this pain alot for a long time. Is there any way to make it go away? To forget everything, without the obvio...
October 31, 2005 by ISOL
I just wanted to say, I AM SO GLAD THE WINGS ARE ON ICE AGAIN!!!! Seriously, who isn't happy that hockey is back on.
October 3, 2005 by ISOL
It's pretty late for normal people, but for me the college student, the night is yet young. I think when people talk about how different college is from highschool, they are using it in the "this pole is different because it's three feet longer" way. By that I mean, it's highschool with different people, class times, and routines. It's also harder, but that may be a personal oppinion. I miss my father, my friends, and sisters, but I will be honest and say I miss my animals most. Maybe it's be...
August 20, 2005 by ISOL
I got the chance to walk in the rain again. And I jumped in puddles too! All because I got to hang out with a beautiful friend of mine.
August 18, 2005 by ISOL
I've taken alot of abuse over the years because I went to a liberal school, but I have very conservative beliefs. One of the beliefs is in superatural design, or creationsim. The beating I took was because though the public school can't prove either one, they decided to take the one with the least amount of evidence to back it up. My problem is that my decision is based on very firm facts and evidence, but I'm not very good an remembering that evidence in a presentable form. I found a site fo...
August 18, 2005 by ISOL
I was supposed to be conoeing right now, but due to rain the trip was cancelled. The fact that we were going to be on the water, and couldn't take a little water above us disturbs me. Why on earth are we worried about a little rain. The I thought about the way that everyone runs for cover when it rains. What the heck is wrong with us. I'm that odd guy you see, who walks down the street in the pouring rain in a T-shirt. I like the rain, and I still have a childish fascination with it. I a...
August 1, 2005 by ISOL
Over the past couple years I have seen countless people swear that they will change for the better. 99% of those promises fell through and life stayed the same. While thinking about it I realized that I of all people have changed enormously. Some unfortunately for the worse, but alot for the better. Honestly it still surprises me how outgoing I've learned to be. I'm still an introvert, I get my energy back from being alone, but I can do the social scene now. I made friends, I lost people ...
June 14, 2005 by ISOL
The title of this piece makes it sound like a problem with the opposite sex, but it isn't. My problem is that I think a friendship that I have cherished for many years may be at an end. My friend and I did everything that two guys could, and got into our fair share of trouble (believe it or not). I think that it is all coming to an end for several reasons. We used to hang out at least once a week, most of the time more. In summer we took road trips, visited friends, and had conversations...
June 14, 2005 by ISOL
I'm sitting in a college hallway, waiting to take a math evalutation test that I not only, don't want to take, but don't need to. I can tell them exactly how good I am at math, very bad. So why am I sitting here with a dozen other people all in the same situation as me. None want to take it, but here we are so we can get appropriate college classes. The worst thing is that I'm going for a major in literature. How pointless can one test get. I don't want to take math, I won't need this level o...
June 13, 2005 by ISOL
Believe it or not I am at college at last. I'm sitting in my dorm room typing on a laptop that is wirelessly connected to the internet. This may not sound like big news to you, but this is a breakthrough in life for me.Excited or not I need to keep this short so AI can make it in time for campus tour. YEEEEHAW!
June 8, 2005 by ISOL
Wow, that thrill that you receive when you know you just passed through 12 years of preliminary schooling is amazing! I seriously never thought I would make it this far. But here I am, ready to head off to college this fall for school that I have to pay for. I'm both excited and a little nervous for college. It will be my soul searching journey! Oh yeah! college campus here I come!!!
April 30, 2005 by ISOL
Saturday! That word held magic when I was a little kid. Now it just means spending alot of time either working (which I wish I could do) or tracking people down to hang out. I still love Saturday because it's a break from the old routine, but when all your friends are working, it can get pretty dull. When did Saturday loose all its flavor? When did I start to regard that one day of the week as a break from routine, in a not so pleasant way? Why don't I look forward to just doing absolute...
April 28, 2005 by ISOL
It is time for the walls to come crashing down, hopefully though not around my ears. While it may have taken the Israelites seven days to take down the walls of Jerico, physical walls may be easier than the wall I've built around my heart. But as a man who is not only an example to me, but a friend as well pointed out, walls work not only to keep hurtful things out (here I thought he would go with the cliche term of "not letting good things in" but instead he said) but would keep me from givi...