A random conglomeration of thoughts by yours truly.
realizing what is worth getting before you leave it
Published on January 7, 2006 By ISOL In Blogging
Ever gone on a road trip when you relize that you left something important behind. You're too far away to turn around and get it, but you start to miss it when you realize how important it was. I think that when something important is forgotten, it makes our next trip just a little better, because I didn't forget the item this time. I guess it's really easy to miss something that was taken for granted. It's always there, but we never think we'll miss it till we know its too far to turn around for.
Then there are those things in life, that we take, but we really don't want. Like a cheap book with a so so plot. There isn't any way we actually are going to read something like that, it's just "in case" we feel like lowering the standard when boredom really sets in.
Why is it, that we take what we really don't need or want, and we always leave the important thing behind, and don't remember till it's too late to turn around? Isn't it worth it to really think about what's worth turning around for ahead of time?

on Jan 07, 2006
1. It isn't a really good road trip or camping trip unless ya forget at least one important item.

2. Thinking is what gets people in trouble. Knock it off.
on Jan 08, 2006
haha, to be honest this isn't really about a road trip, it was a (I think now) a none too clever analogy of something else. I was talking about not realizing the value of a person until it was too late.
on Jan 08, 2006
Yeah, believe it or not I did get that. I was just being a smartass (my natural state)
on Jan 08, 2006
I know that all to well, which is why I never go to far to turn back, no apologies, no long trips either, *L*. We don't even camp far from home, it cost to darn much!