A random conglomeration of thoughts by yours truly.
A lost breed
Published on January 9, 2006 By ISOL In Blogging
Ok, it boils down to this. Nice guys generally don't have killer looks, or aren't in killer shape because they can actually think about something besides improving their image. Pardon my langauge, but fuck finishing last! Isn't it enough that we think about more than two things, those things being ourselves, and wether we're going to "get any" tonight. Chivalry is a lost code, and those who adhere to it are being pushed aside for the "black knights". WTF happened to the knight in shining armor? I'll tell you what happened, he has been pushed aside by jerks and jocks and those women who choose them.
So why has the knight met his end? Well it's hard to find a guy who will put up with the torment he receives for being polite, honest and considerate. It's considered unmanly to be romantic, to show respect for women, and it's time that the knights in exile, put their collective foot down. We are the true men, honorable, even though it is old fashioned. The "manly" men of today are simple cretins who just happen to be good looking or athletic. Moral fiber seems to be in short supply, well to hell with it.
It's not the knights in exile who get the girl, but yet it is the knights who make them feel special. Who open doors, who think about what is best, not for them but other people. It is the knights who defend the honor of those who cannot defend their own. In my oppinion, the true measure of a man may be found in the way he treats those he loves and even those he does not, not in his looks or his athletic ability.
Even if I finish last as a knight in exile, even if there is no hope for me or those left who are like me, I will keep my honor. To the dwindling knights, and to the lost honor of chivalry!

on Jan 09, 2006
You know, I ask myself that often. Oddly enough, I didn't date the lookers, jocks, or jerks. The men I dated came off as sweet, door opening, gentlemen, they didn't turn to jerks till later. I think the reason women date the jerks and jocks is because they are already jerks and jocks, they deep down figure that eventually if they change it couldn't be worse than it already is. I'm not totally sure on that. But the same can be said for men that date the skinny cheerleaders, daughters of men of stature and substance, and the pretty blonds. Little attention is paid to the shy chubby girls or the "homely" girls in the back of the class room.

Two chicks in a bar, one is a skinny blond, the other a chubby blond, which one will get hit on? Which one will get teased? The same double standard applies for the Knights and the Maidens. Think about it.
on Jan 09, 2006
Joust on Don Quixote!  I liked this article, and while it is taking the track of absolutes, there is still a lot of truth in it.  As is there in MsLadydeath's last comment.  Guilt goes both ways for many of us.
on Jan 09, 2006
Amen, brother! Preach on!

I've been saying the same thing. Link is an article that I wrote awhile ago, basically saying the same things.

Hmm... Looking at it, I need to go back and finish it.
on Jan 09, 2006
While I don't need a guy on a white horse coming to my rescue, I do appreciate a man who treats me with much Respect...that, I believe, should NEVER go out of style.

btw, chivarly goes the other way as well. You should see the looks on some mens' faces when I hold the doors open for them at public places. They seem pleasantly surprised.
on Jan 09, 2006
My armor got rusty, my sword nicked and dull and my charger died long ago.

But I am here to tell you nice guys do get first place sometimes.
on Jan 09, 2006
Knights, gentleman or boy scouts as you say are still around just not in the lime light. As far as I am concerned that's the way it suppose to be. My charge in life since a child has been the life of a boy scout and been labeled naive as I try to do the right thing, fighting for good over evil in all forms and attempting to be the best roll model I can be whether anyone else noticed or not.

What makes a knight a knight is his moral fibre and value structure which inherently contradicts the confusing equality evolution of most women in recent years. Woman in such a state can't appreciate what a knight represents so she's attracted to the bad boys since they seek little or no self awareness making her appear overly abundant temporarily. She's in a dog and tail circle with hopes of finding a knight. But, as time passes her cherished qualities are diminishing leaving her to feel sleazy boys are the only permanent option.

The best part for me is I also wouldn't have it any other way and like being stable. Sure I am challenged and in some cases adjust accordingly, but never will I change what makes me who I am. On the other hand the worst part is when I look into the future at the dynamics of man and woman I envision our society equating to an bee hive, maybe then they will find themselves happy. Or could it be sex organs will only be found in history books because by having them equality will never result for women. I say that because I haven't met a man in my 50+ years that feels the need to be equal with a woman. In any case, I am glad I won't be here!