A random conglomeration of thoughts by yours truly.
perrinwlf's Articles In Dating
January 2, 2006 by ISOL
Thanks all for the great advice. She decided that this relationship was not what she needed at this point in her life. I was crushed as I never was before, but I've been through stuff like this before. It was good for me I think. I cried for the first time in 8 years, and it felt really wierd. I also yelled at the world in my car, with no one round to hear, that felt really good actually. I think I realize why some people choose not to date at all. Why there is the saying, "it is better to ha...
December 31, 2005 by ISOL
Right now I am completely confused, and though I hate admitting this, a little hurt. I just began a relationship with a girl I have been waiting years for, literally. I was so pumped and even though I will not let myself become the overbearing clingy type, I have two weeks before I go back to college. Suffice to say, I want to spend as much time as possible with her. I asked her if she wanted to hang out with my friends and I today, and she wasn't able to, ah well I can understand that. W...
December 22, 2005 by ISOL
I have found myself sliding along the dangerous road of...."love". I'm head over heals for a girl, and I can be certain of things then not in about five minutes time. Nothing is making sense any more, nothing is working out right. Nothing I can do will ever work to my advantage. I thought we had something, now I lack the guts to find out for sure. I also lack the cash, as my car just presented me with a $700 repair bill. Yeah, can't afford that at all. I'm ready to give up in college too. i k...
September 23, 2005 by ISOL
This is probably the strangest thing I have ever gone through. Those who know me, know I hate the overuse of the word "love" in our culture. There is really nothing special about it in our culture today. It is used so commonly, that I have been extremely cautious about using it. If I had any feelings for a girl in high school, I referred to it as being “In like”. I still don’t know if the state of my emotions is mature enough to handle love. That is the problem in its entirety. I cannot st...