A random conglomeration of thoughts by yours truly.
its going to work out
Published on January 2, 2006 By ISOL In Dating
Thanks all for the great advice. She decided that this relationship was not what she needed at this point in her life. I was crushed as I never was before, but I've been through stuff like this before. It was good for me I think. I cried for the first time in 8 years, and it felt really wierd. I also yelled at the world in my car, with no one round to hear, that felt really good actually. I think I realize why some people choose not to date at all. Why there is the saying, "it is better to have loved and cried, than to have never loved" I think that it was written by a person who hadn't been heartbroken yet. It sucks, but it makes a person stronger, but at the same time much weaker. I still care very deeply for her, but we'll see how life goes.
on Jan 02, 2006
Awww..I am sorry to hear that things didn't work out. There's always a chance of heartbreak when you fall for someone...believe me, I've been through it. Yes, it sucks, yes it hurts, but like you said, it's an experience that makes you stronger, and an experience that teaches you a little bit more about love and life.

You are still young...I say enjoy your youth, enjoy college and all the experiences that come along with it. Maybe you could focus more on forming friendships than forming a relationship with someone. Don't feel like you "need" to find someone...I know this sounds cliche-ish, but love usually does happen when you least expect it.

It may not be next month or even next year, but the love you seek will happen eventually...and when it does you will be glad it happened when it did.
on Jan 02, 2006
I'm sorry you're hurting, and it's a good thing you did scream and cry.

I was kinda thinking that's why she
was going out with her friend instead of you, yet hated to say that. Been there, done that, too often myself so
recognized it....

it will get better and you will find someone better than her! I know that, it just doesn't feel that way now. In time.

((((((((hugs))))))) hang in there
on Jan 02, 2006
thank you all again. Believe it or not, it hasn't been my intention to "find someone". I just fell for her, I didn't want it to happen, and God know I didn't need it to happen, it just did.
"I was kinda thinking that's why she
was going out with her friend instead of you, yet hated to say that. Been there, done that, too often myself so
recognized it...."
I wish you would have let me know anyways, I have always been better at life with a heads up, and like the typical male, don't get hints at all. Thanks for trying to protect me though.
on Jan 04, 2006
I wish you would have let me know anyways, I have always been better at life with a heads up, and like the typical male, don't get hints at all. Thanks for trying to protect me though.

Yes, I wanted to protect you, yet also realized that I truly don't know you and her, and could have been wrong about her
choice. There was always the possibility that maybe her friend needed her really bad that evening cause she was down.
Sometimes we have to choose our friends, cause they're in a bad way, and if that was the case I'd hope she would have
told you.

I think that in a really good relationship we can tell our partner our needs, what we need to do for a friend, or parent,
and not be afraid that we'll lose our loved one cause we have spoken openly.

I was in a long term relationship, 5 1/2 years to be exact, and there was quite a few times my gentleman friend
would cancel our plans to do something with his adult daughters, so I was understanding and glad he had a good
relationship with them. Their parents had been divorced about a year when I met him. I got tired though of his cancelling
our plans for what seemed to be no reason at all, and later found out that he had accepted last minute plans with others
and didn't care a fig that I ended up sitting at home.

In your case, maybe I would have been wrong about her and that could have done some damage that couldn't be
I won't hold back next time though if you want me to comment on a question....I'll be open and not hold back what I think.
If I'm wrong, well.....I tried. I'm sorry for holding that back Tim.