A random conglomeration of thoughts by yours truly.
perrinwlf's Articles In Just Hanging Out
February 16, 2004 by ISOL
Ever since the telescope was introduced and most likely before, humans have been searching the universe for signs of life beyond their own little world. TV shows were created such as "Star Trek" and "Star Wars" to let the imagination roam free, and to paint a picture of what each indivdual thinks could be out there. I admit I've had my own fanciful ideas , but recently I've been thinking (a rare occurrence in itself) not on what's out there, but why in the heck the human race really cares o...
January 17, 2005 by ISOL
I love those days when a couple of buddies just to get together and goof off. Play a little "DANCE DANCE REVOLUTION" and drink vernors till we get so sick from the shaking that we lie down to play some good ol zelda. Yes I admit it, my friends and are indeed gamers. Not exactly those pathetic guys who do nothing else but gamers nontheless. I love games simply because they are nice to play by oneself but are even better with a group of friends. I wish school could be made so easy with the help...
February 24, 2005 by ISOL
Getting through the last year of high school is pulling all the motivation I have. And yet for some odd reason, this fall I will be attending college. Harder classes, and very expensive to say the least. What am I thinking (for all those with a sarcastic sense of humor, don't say a word)? What in the world has me so posessed as to think that I can successfully reaply myself to books? Well I know spring break is coming so I'll hold together a little while longer.