A random conglomeration of thoughts by yours truly.
hangen with the guys
Published on January 17, 2005 By ISOL In Just Hanging Out
I love those days when a couple of buddies just to get together and goof off. Play a little "DANCE DANCE REVOLUTION" and drink vernors till we get so sick from the shaking that we lie down to play some good ol zelda. Yes I admit it, my friends and are indeed gamers. Not exactly those pathetic guys who do nothing else but gamers nontheless. I love games simply because they are nice to play by oneself but are even better with a group of friends. I wish school could be made so easy with the help of friends, but that is considered cheating. Good times, yes, will they be remembered, there is a chance. Bad times, could be, will they be remembered? My guess is no, old age will gloss over the nastier aspects of my teenage years. Who said memory loss was all bad!? Well since I seem to be stumbling around in the dark for something to talk about then I suppose I should let your misery end and sign off.

In hopes that old age will bring golden memories.
Yours truly, Tim Lyons

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