A random conglomeration of thoughts by yours truly.
my experiences as I question my faith
Published on February 23, 2004 By ISOL In Religion
Over the past several weeks I have experienced crumbling in my foundation of belief. To put it simply almost everything in my life over the past four years has been a lie to keep people at a distance. I thought I knew that if they got too close they wouldn't like the real me and I would lose them. It hit me a short while ago that if i held friends at a distance there was really nothing to lose. so now I am rebuilding the foundation of my life and hoping that it will not crumble over on my head. With the friend that has stuck it out with me and my father helping me I should be able to stand firmly again.
If anyone out there has experience something similar any help would be greatly appreciated. Since my faith is so shaky, I would appreciate prayers too. I'm not sure how much good they'll do but anything would help. I have had enough of keeping relationships at a distance.

In need of prayers and support
Sincerely yours, Tim Lyons

on Feb 23, 2004
We have ALL experienced something similar my friend. I'm experiencing it right now. I trust God to get me through it though, He's might powerful! I hope this finds you feeling a little better.

on Feb 24, 2004
I'll be praying for you. Like Trinitie said, just trust God, rely on Him. Read the Psalms He'll make a way, He always does.
on Feb 24, 2004
Some people won't like the real you. Some people will. Pray that the Lord will send you a counselor who will help you deal with your fears. I have found counseling the only way to figure out who I am and to be the person God created me to be. Build your faith on what God has done and who God is. Don't build it on yourself and on others. Then it will stand even when your life crumbles. You are starting on the journey of faith. Just take one step at a time.
on Feb 24, 2004
amen Sherye Hanson, amen.
