Why is it that parent's seem to be so power hungry. I know for a fact that both my parents went through very similar things when they were teens, though teens today have alot more stress without any doubt, but I often wonder what changed them. Whenever an injustice is done I think about how I'll never do that to my children because I want to end up nothing like what my parents are. Now the funny thing is I'm sure they said the same thing, so what changed their minds as to the decision that affect my life in a negetive fashion.
I am simply terrified at the fact that I may end up being the embarresment of my childs life and being considered a mortal foe. I don't consider my parents as my foes right now, but I do know they are childish in behavior. They are both under a great deal of stress, and the funny thing is I know exactly why and how I could solve it all. I long for one year when my parents and I could reverse rolse, they would realize how it felt to be under an authoritarian rule
I think no matter how inviting this sounds, it would turn out to be one of the worst years of my life. I know that in todays society I am being forced to grow up too quickly, and admit that i have a slight resentment towards the general area of adult hood. I also know that right now teenage angst is present in my life, though at a minimum because with all the responsibilities I have there is simply no time. That is one of the greatest gifts I have ever received, the ability to see without the angst tinting my vision. Id like to thank all the people in my life who showed me how much the world is worth, and all the good things that are almost hidden by the bad, that makes them all the more beautiful.
In the end I am not so angry at my parents, simply sad and a little disgusted, that they have grown up too much to see the finer things in life. Until recently it had been hard to see how great life really is, if you work at it, but you have to be able to have fun through even some of the cruddier times. Well even in the end the teenage angst seems to be about equal to the blindness of life that comes with age, and oh yeah........ my parents hope that someday I have a kid just like me.
Sincerely Your's in better humor, Tim Lyons