A random conglomeration of thoughts by yours truly.
Pointless wastes of time
Published on June 14, 2005 By ISOL In Blogging
I'm sitting in a college hallway, waiting to take a math evalutation test that I not only, don't want to take, but don't need to. I can tell them exactly how good I am at math, very bad. So why am I sitting here with a dozen other people all in the same situation as me. None want to take it, but here we are so we can get appropriate college classes. The worst thing is that I'm going for a major in literature. How pointless can one test get. I don't want to take math, I won't need this level of math in my life, and yet here I am a little nervous over a completely pointless happenstance in my life. Well wish me luck because I need to go and invent some new math equations, aka fail a math exam during the summer.

Dreadfully disheartened
Tim Lyons

on Jun 14, 2005
How pointless can one test get. I don't want to take math, I won't need this level of math in my life,

Fistly, I can understand how you feel, many people don't like math.

Secondly, odds are good that you will need and use math most of your life whether you currently think so or not.

Thirdly, it's called a well rounded education. A college degree indicates that a person has received a certain level of education and not just been training in a single subject as one might be in a vocational school.

Buck up, take the exam, study, and learn the material. Take advantage of your time in school to learn as much about as many different subjects as possible. Your education is something no-one can ever take away from you.

My major was Electronics Engineering with a minor in Philosophy (talk about an odd mix LOL) but I studied everything from mathematics to Mozart, statistical anaylsis to creative writing, even anthropology and public speaking. Get all you can possibly get while you're there, you never know what will prove invaluable later in life.
on Jul 07, 2005
Thanks. I'll learn the stuff, but I don't think I can learn to like it.
on Jul 07, 2005

Thanks. I'll learn the stuff, but I don't think I can learn to like it.

Never was it said you gotta like it. You just gotta do it.