A random conglomeration of thoughts by yours truly.
Published on August 15, 2004 By ISOL In Blogging
I've noticed that females are the masters of multitasking. I have a single track mind, it's hard to focus on several things at once. I would rather take my time and get it done well than get a load of thing s done and do the semi quality. The thing is girls can do them all at once with fairly high quality, or attention to detail. My question is for the girls, how can you do a little bit of everything without the alot of nothing?
I was with a group the other night and I tried to follow the conversations of six girls talking to each other. I bet you can see where this is going, I can barely follow the conversation of one girl let alone six. Anyways, my head hurt, and I was seeing start after three minutes so I gave up. I asked one of the girls later if she followed everything that went on. Not only could she remember the conversation but she could tell me every little detail that I would forget halfway into the next word. If anyone has some insight into why i just can't follow female conversations (or minds at all) I would love to know. The universe's greatest mystery doesn't need a space shuttle, just some aspirin.


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