thoughts of me and my wingmen
I've been thinking alot lately about all the things that I've gotten myself into. I joined the military knowing that I'm going to the desert and I have that chance of death. I wouldn't have joined if I wasn't ok with that.
Now I'm not saying I want to go to Iraq and die, far from it. The US military slogans, among us anyways are, hurry up and wait, and the one that pertains, The point isn't death for your country it's making the other guy die for his. I don't plan on getting hit, but ah well life is life, eh?
Some guys are getting cold feet as they realize that they are getting closer and closer to their deployment. I actually watched one bawl his eyes out. Pathetic is what I think of it. They have a job to do, and I don't want to watch the men and women I depend on get cold feet. Talk about a fast forward to growing up, thinking about your own mortality can do that to a guy.